Therapy Services

  • Are you a BIPOC woman/femme/FTM who is interested in unpacking some of the baggage that has been holding you back?

  • Have you always been seen by others as the “well put together” friend who knows it’s just been a mask this whole time? 

  • Have you tried talk therapy but know that there’s something missing in the equation?

  • If you want a better understanding of what your body is telling you…

If you live in New York State and are interested in therapy services, please fill out the form below to request a consultation. 

Sometimes in order to move forward, we need to go back to the beginning of the story. By bringing in the clinical context, we can create a therapeutic relationship centered on your mind-body-spirit connection that truly encompasses the fullness of you. Together, we can rewrite your current narrative into one that centers you as not only the main character, but the hero.